Snort IDS for Hackers

Snort is the world’s most popular Intrusion Detection System/ Intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS). Originally developed by Marty Roesch as an open-source project, Snort and its parent, Sourcefire, were acquired by the networking behemoth, Cisco, in 2014.

Every hacker and network engineer should be familiar with Snort. As a hacker, you will need to evade it; as a network engineer, you will need to manage and depend upon it.

To learn the basics of Snort, check out my articles below.

1.Snort IDS for Hackers, Part 1: How to Install Snort

2. Snort IDS for Hackers, Part 2: How to Configure Snort

3. Snort IDS for Hackers, Part 3: Configuring Snort to Send Alerts to a Database (MySQL)

4. Snort IDS for Hackers, Part 4:  How to Read & Write Snort Rules 

5. Snort IDS for Hackers, Part 5: Testing Your Snort IDS with Known Exploits

6. Regular Expressions (Regex or pcre)